
GENERAL INFORMATION about using Note Designer:

  • enter the person's name and session date on the lines above, as well as session duration and fee if you wish;
  • click on the tabs above (STATE, THEMES, etc) and scroll through each to choose statements suitable for your note;
  • add introductory or closing comments if you wish, in the spaces provided above, and press +/- to add;
  • use the buttons to PRINT the note, or COPY it to paste into your word processor or other program.
  • USE the NOTE TYPE menu to create an Intake Note, a Treatment Plan, or a Termination Summary.

USE the PREFERENCES menu at the top of your screen:

  • to choose the use of "client" or "patient"
  • to add extra lines to your standard signature
  • to adjust fontsize or the width of the workspace
For more information or for an introduction to features, use the Help menu at the top right of your screen.
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Today's notes:


Use this page to add your own "custom" buttons.

If you wish to add a limited number of buttons to major sections of statements, you can

When you have everything as you like it, click here to either

(Don't worry, you cannot delete or modify the 'standard' set of statements by mistake.) Then, click the button at the top of the page to close this editing page.

To start, your current customized set (if you have ever stored one) is shown below. You can load up the standard template instead as a starting point for building your own, if you want:
Start with:


Use this page to add your own "custom" buttons.

Enter your own statements in the

When you have everything as you like it, click here to

Then, click the button at the top of the page to close this editing page.

To start, your current customized set (if you have ever stored one) is shown below.

Preferences and Advanced Options

**Changes made on this page may affect any note currently in progress, therefore you may wish to print/save your note before proceeding with changes. (Some changes will not appear until you Clear and then begin a new note.)
Terminology: Which terms do you prefer (current selections are highlighted):
Do you wish to include a heading "Session Note:" or "Progress Note"?
Section Breaks: Do you wish to have paragraph breaks and/or headings between sections of your progress note?
Do you wish your basic notes to be in the standard Note Designer format or in SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) notes format? [This change will reformat your current note so should be implemented only when you are ready to clear the current note and start a new note.]
Choose whether to display additional customization slots in all sections of the progress note:
Set your Button-text Font Size:
Set your Printed-Note Font Style:
Set your Printed-Note Font Size:
Example Note Text.

If your printer does not display the font size as desired, enter a preferred font size here and press select, then print a test note to determine the best size:
Signature: If you wish to add your address and/or institutional affiliation (etc.) to your signature line:
Line 2 if any:      
Line 3 if any:      
Date format:
Adjust the size of the workspace on your screen:
Choose whether screen height of displayed note is: or
[You can adjust the height of the entire workspace by going to the Info tab.]
Choose Background:

    Filter by this ID(optional):

   Retrieved notes, sorted by date stored:


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*For temporary storage only.* Retrieved notes will be displayed according to current preferences. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the professional and ethical guidelines that apply to your handling of notes. This storage, while password protected and therefore not easily accessed by others, might nonetheless be opened by an experienced programmer who has access to your computer. This application is not intended as a system for electronic record keeping. Generally agreed upon best practice is to print each note as you create it rather than storing on your computer. If you do not have immediate access to a printer, however, this short term storage may be useful. It is recommended that you erase notes as promptly as possible, which you can do with this button:

Use this button only if you wish to delete ALL your stored notes. **This action is permanent and cannot be reversed.**

Button Customization

This page allows you to select statements to hide from view (or else show as usual) when you are creating a progress note. Changes made here may interfere with any note you currently are working on, so it is best to print or save your note before making changes here. Use the +/- buttons to select statements: If you grey them out here, they will not be shown to you at all while you create a new note - which will make it easier to ignore statements that you never use. If you change your mind later, you can come back here to reset the statements to be shown as usual.

***When you have made your selections, you must scroll back to the top here to:

OPTIONAL: You may enter a brief "ID", if you wish to file this note with similar others, so that you can retrieve them all by filtering on their ID:

(Or, just leave it blank).

OPTIONAL: You may enter a brief "ID", if you wish to file this note with similar others, so that you can retrieve them all by filtering on their ID:

(Or, just leave it blank).

You will need to give a password (of at least 4 letters and/or numbers) for what you are trying to do.

You can change your password as often as you wish, but to retrieve a note you will need to enter whatever password was originally associated with that note - so don't forget it! (Use an easy-to-remember password, or write it down somewhere safe. Or, you can use the Help/Lost Password menu item.)

Please enter a password above at the right of the top bar, then go back and start this sequence again.

In this version of Note Designer you copy a note by highlighting the text and using your usual browser commands for copying.

Depending on your browser, you could use the Edit/Copy menu, for example. Or on Windows you might use ctrl-c (pressing the ctrl key and c key at the same time), or right-click here with the mouse. On Macs you could use cmd-c and in iPad you press the note and choose Copy.

Then you can paste the note into a word processor document, much as you would paste anything you have copied.

These buttons are for use in debugging only. If you click them you may lose your stored data. Better to Cancel...

Hi there! It looks like this is your first time using Note Designer on this computer.

To complete the installation the first thing we need to do is to quickly set up a Note Designer storage database (which essentially involves just creating a file in your AppData directory). Click this now to finalize installation so you can begin using Note Designer:


Welcome to Note Designer.

It appears that this is the first time you have used Note Designer on this computer. Please find your authorization code in your email receipt. Your code should look something like My Name, MSc./ZZSJKWOKJ. Just copy it then return here to paste your code into the window below, using Edit/Paste, or ctrl-v (or cmd-v on Macs). Then press the submit button.

Paste your authorization code below, then click

If you do not have an authorization code, you can purchase one at


Welcome to Note Designer,

Your authorization information and some preferences have been imported from an earlier version of Note Designer on this computer.

IF you wish to import also your customizations (e.g., custom statements) and stored notes now, which will take just a couple of seconds and is strongly recommended if you think you will ever want them in this program, press this button:

IF you wish to reauthorize with a different authorization code, press this button:

Otherwise you can use the button in the top left corner of this window to get started with the program. You can also import old customizations and notes later, using the Help menu.




To authorize the program for a new user, please find your authorization code in your email receipt. Your code should look something like My Name, MSc./ZZSJKWOKJ. Just copy it then return here to paste your code into the window below, using the button provided.


Export your Customizations

At some point you may want to export a copy of your custom statements to a second computer. (Note that you cannot select specific content to export: ALL of the custom statements get exported at once.)

To export a copy of your custom statements, click the button below which will show here the long set of customization information (which mostly looks like gibberish) , and simultaneously put all the information into a new file called NoteDesignerCustomizations.txt, which will be put onto your Desktop. You can find it there and move it over to your other computer.

Alternatively (in case you just prefer to do it yourself!), if you click the second button it will instead just COPY it all onto your 'system clipboard'. You can then paste all of this information - exactly as shown - into a blank word document or other file for safe keeping, or ultimately into your copy of Note Designer on a second computer.



Import Custom Statements from a File

At some point you may want to import all your custom statements from another computer (and completely replace any custom statements you have stored on this computer: ALL custom statements get replaced; you cannot select only specific information to replace.)

The easiest way to do this is to first use the help/export menu item on your other computer to export a file NoteDesignerCustomizations.txt. Then find that file on the Desktop of your other computer and copy it to the Desktop of this computer. Then press the green button below, which will try to find that file, read your custom statements from it, and store them as custom statement on this program. Note: This step is not reversible.

If you would prefer to do it yourself, you can export your custom statement string from your other computer into a file of your choosing. Then bring that file to this computer and copy that information (which mostly looks like gibberish) to paste into the window below. First press the yellow button below which will paste it into the window here. Make sure there are no spaces at the beginning. You can then click the blue button so that this information will now define your custom statements on this program. NOTE: This final step is not reversible.


Export a Text Copy of All Stored Notes

At some point you may want to export a copy of ALL your stored notes into a single file, for safekeeping.

When you follow this procedure, the text from all your stored notes will be joined together into one long file and then written to your Desktop as NoteDesignerStoredNotesExport.txt. **This file will have no encryption or password protection**

This file will not be fully formatted (e.g., fontsize etc.) but the text of your notes will be there, so you can open the file in your Word processor and format it there if you wish. In case Note Designer cannot write this file for some reason (e.g., the file is currently open, or your system's security permissions do not allow it) you will also be given the option of copying and pasting into a Word processing file.


Import Notes and/or Custom Statements from a Previous Version of Note Designer

At some point you may want to import some custom statements that you created in the old 32-bit version of Note Designer (distributed prior to the May 2018 launch of version 2.0). You may even wish to retrieve notes that you stored in that program. You can try this by pressing the buttons below.


About Note Designer


Retrieve Passwords

If you have forgotten the passwords you used in storing your previous work, please find your "password retrieval" code in your email receipt. Your code should look something like SJKWOOKJ. Just copy it then return here to paste your code into the window below (and make sure there are no spaces before or after the code), then submit it, using the buttons provided. Your passwords will be displayed for you.


Please read the license agreement below, and do not use Note Designer unless you agree with the terms of the License. If you do not agree, simply use the Quit menu above and then uninstall the program from your computer. If you do agree with the terms of the License, click the button to proceed.

Help with Note Designer

Welcome to Note Designer:

Note Designer was created by two psychologists who wanted a method for efficiently creating clinical notes that would be thorough and useful, as well as consistent with regulatory guidelines.


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To create a basic session note: Printing and copying: Clearing your work: Customization: Adding Headings to the Basic Note: Editing the Note: Note Types: Formatting Headings and Text Input: PREFERENCES: Re-authorization: Other Questions?: